As the ACE study has shown, child abuse and neglect is the single most preventable cause of mental illness, the single most common cause of drug and alcohol abuse, and a significant contributor to leading causes of death such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, stroke, and suicide.

― Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

Education Content

We offer content for your audiences:

  • blogs

  • pamphlets, brochures, 1-pagers, etc

  • education modules

  • curriculum

  • asynchronous course design and creation

  • video content

  • graphic and written information

At Tend Collective, our extensive range of services is dedicated to providing tailored content that serves the unique needs of your audiences in critical areas of focus. For the field of Trauma-Informed Care, our team excels in crafting compelling blogs that navigate the intricacies of trauma, offering valuable insights and strategies for support. In addition, our specialized education modules and curriculum development services ensure a comprehensive and well-structured approach to disseminating knowledge on trauma-informed practices, empowering your audience with the necessary tools for fostering healing environments.

In the realm of Child Health, Tend Collective offers a suite of content creation services designed to address the specific challenges and advancements in pediatric care. Our blogs explore the latest research, best practices, and holistic approaches to child health, while our education modules and curriculum development provide a solid foundation for professionals and caregivers seeking to enhance their expertise. Moreover, our asynchronous course design and creation services cater to diverse learning styles, allowing for flexible and accessible education on child health. Additionally, our video content production extends to visually engaging materials that communicate vital information, making child health concepts more accessible and engaging for a broad audience.

Tend Collective's commitment to Health Equity and Public Health is evident in our content creation services, covering blogs that delve into the intricacies of health disparities, education modules that promote inclusive practices, and curriculum development that aligns with the principles of equity in healthcare. Our expertise extends to asynchronous course design that accommodates diverse learners, fostering a deeper understanding of health equity. Furthermore, our video content production emphasizes narratives that advocate for public health, creating visually impactful materials that resonate with varied audiences. With Tend Collective, your organization stands at the forefront of disseminating knowledge and promoting positive change in the critical realms of Trauma-Informed Care, Child Health, Health Equity, and Public Health.

Want to learn more about what we can create for you?

Be in touch!